I want to support the show beyond subscribing, how can I do that?

We have a Patreon! It’s the best way to keep us doing the work that we do and it comes with perks!

What program and tablet do you use on the show?

We use Adobe Photoshop CC, Clip Studio Paint, and a Wacom Cintiq 22 HD.

I have an episode suggestion, where can I send it?

We have a Patreon exclusive discord that has an episode suggestion channel. Otherwise, you can post it in the comments of our most recent episode!

I have something I’d like to send you. Do you have a PO box?

Not at this moment but thank you!

I have a business inquiry. Who can I send it to?


I found merch of your on a website that isn’t your DFTBA store. Who do I contact about it?

Unless its a limited availability fanmade merch, feel free to report it or send us the link at drawfee@gmail.com

Speaking of fanmerch, can I sell mine?

Generally, yes! List of rules below!

Fan Merch Guide

Looking to sell fan merch or see fan merch in the wild but don’t know what’s okay? We got you.
Here is our handy guide for Drawfee items!


Making and selling limited numbers (under 100) of hand-made items inspired by our show is very cool! Just make sure it’s clear that it’s unofficial. Otherwise, you don’t need our permission!


-Don’t make large batch items for selling (anything over 100 units of an item)
-Don’t use drawfee logo, Drawfee assets (images created on the show, photos of our faces)
-Don’t make it anything offensive, racist, sexist, defamatory.
-Don’t sell items very similar to items we sell in our DFTBA merch store.
Don’t sell on large distribution websites like RedBubble, Society6, Amazon, etc.

-Don’t sell art that you didn’t make.
-No NFTs or cryptocurrencies involving Drawfee IP.


-Making a small batch of a Drawfee thing for a small personal event is fine! If you aren’t selling it and just using it for person, you’re fine.


-Games based on Drawfee properties can be listed for free on itch as long as they follow the general do’s and don’ts..


-We reserve the right to ask you to remove any works at any time.